Actually, the practice of shaving one's pubic hair dates back to ancient Egypt and Greece, where prostitutes were forced to do so for their own health and to identify themselves as such. Despite the fact that female body shaving as a norm was developed between 1915 and 1945, pubic hair removal did not really take off until the 1980s.
According to a recent study, however, 60% of women have encountered at least one health issue brought on by pubic hair removal, most frequently epidermal erosion (invisible skin sores) and ingrown hairs. Additionally, it has been demonstrated to significantly aggravate skin rashes and inflammation, and an earlier study found that it increased the spread and transmission of STDs.

The actual justifications for not shaving pubic hair are as follows:

Your body temperature can be controlled by pubic hair.

We all know that hair affects body temperature regulation, but how? The follicles in our hair aid in sweating.

Each hair follicle has a sebaceous gland that secretes oils into the hair, which then causes the oils to spread to the skin's surface. Due to the heat, this oil contains, when it evaporates, it cools the skin.

You are truly protected by pubic hair.

You are shielded from illnesses and skin issues by your pubic hair. Among other safeguards, it aids in keeping disease-causing microorganisms and other objects like dust from entering your body.

Pheromones are found in pubic hair.

Scientists think that pheromone-containing secretions are held in pubic hair. It is this that draws us to one another. Sweating causes the body to release more pheromones, which it then stores in the pubic hair.
Warts on the genitalia can be found in or around private areas. Warts resemble growths or pimples. Usually, they are white or colorful. Frequently, a person with genital warts is unaware of their presence. You run a higher chance of getting genital warts if you wax your pubic hair.

Molluscum contagiosum is more likely to develop in you (a viral infection).

The chance of getting a viral infection rises when you shave or wax your pubic hair. According to research, shaving has the biggest correlation with sexually transmitted illnesses like molluscum contagiosum and may increase the risk of having hairless genitals. The easy-to-transmitting Molluscum contagiosum virus has been hypothesized to be predominantly spread by self-infections brought on by scratching skin that has been inflamed by shaving. Those who have genital warts are unaware of them. You run a higher chance of getting genital warts if you wax your pubic hair.

In your private area, it causes skin issues.

The hair follicles become irritated when pubic hair is removed, creating microscopic open sores. In order to keep it smooth, hair removal must be done frequently, which results in ongoing irritation of the area that has been waxed or shaved. According to many specialists, it is usual to encounter people with cellulitis, an infection of the scrotum, as well as boils and abscesses on their genitalia from shaving. These skin conditions are frequently more bothersome on the genitals than they might be on other places of the body.

For obese women, hair removal poses a greater risk.

According to a recent US study, difficulties are twice as likely to occur in obese or overweight women, and they would occur three times more frequently in larger women if they completely eliminated their pubic hair since the closer together their skin would be.

Even with these risks present, the choice is fully up to you; you simply need to be aware of them. This practice dates back centuries in some societies. Visit your doctor if you are worried about an infection; otherwise, you don't need to talk to a GP about it.
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